
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Choosing the Right Babysitter

One of the hardest factors for me in deciding to go back to school to obtain my RN was coming to realization that my two girls would need to be away from me sometimes... I know, I know, breaks are good... I need 'me time', blah, blah... I get that. I do have those times, but for me, having to hire an actual babysitter is different.

Pre-baby, I would never have envisioned myself as having a hard time with leaving my babies and getting all paranoid and crazy... Then babies popped out, and I'm about as crazy and paranoid as they come! I will protect these girls to the end...

Here's how we found the perfect sitter for us!

Monday, February 18, 2013


Crossing it off my bucket list... Here goes nothing!
Start Blog: Done, consider it checked.

Here it is ladies & gents...

I'm officially adding my two cents to the world, so look out!